Study Coaching

Learning HOW to study

Over the last 12 years I have worked in the area of performance psychology, helping people achieve more than they ever believed possible. Up until a couple of years ago my work was exclusively with adults; Business Coaching, Inner Game Sports Coaching and delivering courses aimed at helping women get back into work.

Throughout this work the one thing all said was… ‘I wish I had known this when I was younger’.

As we grow up, we start to believe things about ourselves that are entirely subjective and for many of us these become limiting beliefs. ‘I’m no good at maths’, ‘I’m careless’, ‘I’m thick’ etc.  What tends to happen is that we then seek evidence to substantiate this belief and fairly quickly that impression begins to stick. Knowing this I focus on helping my students build a more helpful impression of themselves that will give them not only better results but also happier and healthier lives.

1:1 and Group Study Coaching

Each of us is different and as such, need to approach school work and private study in a slightly different way. When I work with a student I identify where and how we can achieve the biggest result in the least amount of time. I find the ‘quick win’.

Success breeds success so once the initial impact is achieved the student gains a more positive and productive frame of mind to tackle the more difficult and labour intensive challenges.

My coaching aims to help students;

  • Develop their own personal study techniques and habits
  • Manage the pressure of revision and exam taking as well as help them develop coping strategies so that they can deal with all the other pressures that life throws at them.
  • Incorporate their study into their life in a healthy way, so that they can achieve some balance and enjoy their student years

Who can benefit?

Almost all children benefit from some 1:1 or small group coaching time but the have shown the best results

  • Those with little confidence in their academic abilities and low self esteem
  • Those who find concentrating difficult and as a result find school a challenge

Those aiming for high academic achievement who need to train themselves to work  quickly and more effectively.

To find out more about how I can help you please get in touch or call on 07779 275425

Happier Homes, Healthier Lives, Better Results